October 5th is World Teachers’ Day. This day is celebrated annually to recognize and honour all the hard work teachers do worldwide each and every day. Students with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) face a number of challenges in the education system. Teachers and school staff play an important role in ensuring students with FASD succeed in school.
Educators are important role models for young individuals growing up. They not only teach students traditional subjects and important life lessons but are also a part of an individual’s socialization process. They help us to understand the societal norms and expectations we are expected to understand and follow in society.
Due to their disability, individuals with FASD are likely to experience physical, cognitive, emotional, behavioural, social, and adaptive functioning challenges. As a result, individuals with FASD often struggle with school and learning.
Although students with FASD may have difficulty in the classroom, proper accommodations and supports can help students with FASD succeed. Teachers and school staff must understand the challenges these students face and the strengths of each student to implement proper accommodations and support systems. To learn how you can help students in the classroom, check out the list of resources below!
Resources to Support Students with FASD in the Classroom:
For Teachers:
- Understanding Adverse Experiences and Providing School-Based Supports for Youth who are High Risk with and without FASD
- FASD for School Staff Level II Course
- Education Essentials for Students with FASD: Setting them up for Success
- Assessment for Intervention of Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: ‘Perspectives of Classroom Teachers, Administrators, Caregivers, and Allied Professionals
- Current Strategies and Educational Supports for Students with FASD
- 3 Evidence Based Strategies and Programs to Support Students with FASD
For Caregivers:
- Blazing New Homeschool Trails: Educating and Launching Teens with Developmental Disabilities
- Supporting Self-Regulation with Students with FASD
- Article Summary: Teaching Children with FASD to use Metacognitive Strategies
- Experiences in Education
For Students with FASD:
- Dear Mr. C, – A Letter to my Teacher
- Article Summary: School Curriculum Advice from a Young Adult with FASD
Retrieved from CanFASD.