This study investigates inclusive conditions in school environments for children with FASD. Based on qualitative research through the research method of “thematic analysis”, it provides an
in-depth analytical probe into the situation of children with fetal alcohol syndrome (FASD) and their families in the process of compulsory school attendance in Slovakia.
The qualitative research aimed to find out where guardians/parents of children with FASD see positive sources of support and opportunities for their children’s inclusive acceptance in the school environment and, on the other hand, where they identify barriers and obstacles. Positive sources of school inclusion for the child with FASD in according to caregivers/parents of these children included: the importance of knowing the FASD diagnosis; the use of alternative teaching
approaches for the child with FASD in the school setting; finding positive reserves in the child with FASD; and a welcoming attitude from educators in the school setting. These factors significantly helped the children function in the school environment and participate in school life.
On the contrary, we from interviews identified the following as barriers to school inclusion of the child with FASD: developmental difficulties in the child with FASD; unproportional academic performance in the child with FASD; eco-systemic barriers to the child with FASD; institutional exclusion of the child with FASD.
This paper is a partial output of the Kega project 002UK-4/2020 Supporting a child with sensory processing disorder through a multisensory environment.