Reposted from: WRaP 2.0 FASD Partnership Project CANFASD: SCHOOL EXPERIENCES FOR STUDENTS WITH FASD, CARE STUDY UPDATE Our C.A.R.E. Study: Caregiver Approaches, Resiliencies, and Experiences Raising Individuals with FASD, is well underway. The survey was launched last year during FASD Awareness Month. We’ve received over 140 responses … [Read more...] about CanFASD: School Experiences for Students with FASD, C.A.R.E Study Update
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: 3 Mothers Share Their Experiences
What it's like being a mother of child with FASD. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) the leading non-genetic developmental disability in Australia, caused by drinking alcoholduring pregnancy. In some cases the symptoms of FASD often go overlooked and undiagnosed – a recent study of almost 1,500 Australian women aged 18-44 years found that … [Read more...] about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: 3 Mothers Share Their Experiences
Alcohol consumption by fathers before conception could negatively impact child development
Author: IQBAL PITTALWALA March 30, 2020 Scientists at the University of California, Riverside, have explored the relationship between parental alcohol consumption — before conception in the case of fathers and during pregnancy in the case of mothers — and offspring development. In a paper published in Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental … [Read more...] about Alcohol consumption by fathers before conception could negatively impact child development
City of Red Deer Election 2021
Information for Voters Advance Vote days are October 4 to 16, and Election Day is October 18. Learn about what you need to vote, where you can vote and who you can vote for. How Can I Vote? Find out if you are eligible to vote, where to vote and other important information related to voting. Who’s Running? See who has submitted their … [Read more...] about City of Red Deer Election 2021
#WineMom: Humour and empowerment or binge drinking and mental health challenges?
If you Google the term “wine mom,” you’ll find an array of comedic returns, including countless memes of celebrities like Julia Louis-Dreyfus maniacally waving a bottle of wine or Amy Schumer drinking from an oversized glass, or numbered lists pointing to “signs you might be a wine mom.” You’ll also find popular media articles highlighting that … [Read more...] about #WineMom: Humour and empowerment or binge drinking and mental health challenges?
People with FASD talk about FASD
Video by Laurie Whyte, FASD parent advocate. Eight interviewees share their thoughts about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder with the Guelph Wellington Dufferin FASD Action Group. The Action Group is comprised of members of Community Mental Health Association (CMHA) of Waterloo Wellington, Upper Grand District School Board (UGDSB), Dufferin Child … [Read more...] about People with FASD talk about FASD